Friday, January 2, 2009

affirmations to start out the new year

I like to start out a new year by focusing on positive thoughts and consciously directing my energy towards creating a positive intention for myself and all those around me.

This morning, I typed out some affirmations. I'd like to share them with you, in the hopes that this will inspire you to sit down and write out some affirmations of your own! Your affirmations will help you attract into your life the kinds of experiences and circumstances that you most desire.

Happy New Year to all of you! May your year 2009 be filled with peace, love, joy, health, and happiness!

with love,


affirmations for today (...and all the days to follow)

  • I am grateful for all the beautiful, loving people in my life.
  • I am strong, courageous, and resourceful.
  • I am powerful, vibrant, and full of energy.
  • I am healthy and happy, full of joy, energy, and vitality.
  • I am surrounded by positive, uplifting, loving people.
  • I bring joy to all the people whose lives I touch.
  • I find comfort in the knowledge that any sadness and pain I or others may experience will only lead us to further growth and fulfillment.
  • I relish in the feeling of connection I experience with all the wonderful people in my life.
  • I have positive, healing relationships with all of my family and friends.
  • I am supported by the universe at all times.
  • I always have everything I could possibly need – and more!
  • I always leave myself open to an abundant flow of energy in my life.
  • I am able to tap into the universe’s infinite supply of energy to replenish my own energy stores whenever they may be running low.
  • I trust that I am always on the right path!
  • I always have all the support I could possibly need, and the ‘right’ people always show up in my life at ‘just the right time’ to offer me ‘just what I need.’ In return, I offer them exactly what they need at just the right time for them!
  • I trust my intuition and leave myself open to divine/inner guidance at all times.
  • I trust completely that any decision I make, have made, and will make in my life is completely in line with my own and everyone else’s higher good! …that what comes of any decision I make, have made, and will make leads, has led, and will lead to exactly what I and everyone affected by it needs/needed to experience at that exact moment in time, in order for our souls to achieve the growth we came here to achieve!
  • I always have all the energy I need to do whatever it is I need to do – and then some!
  • I allow universal energy to flow through me and out to others who may need it.
  • I live and breathe infinite love and gratitude at all times.

1 comment:

XDPATHS said...

Aaahh, I am supported by the Universe at all times...these affirmations resonate so strongly...