Thursday, November 13, 2008

an open letter to Barack Obama - by Alice Walker

I would like to share with you this beautiful and tremendously moving open letter that Alice Walker has written to Barack Obama. May we all find inspiration in her words and remember that the best leaders are those who can, first and foremost, cultivate peace, love, and joy within themselves and the circle of their closest loved ones! Alice Walker's message resonates deeply with the message in the Chinese proverb I posted a couple of posts back.

Here is her letter, written November 5, 2008:

Dear Brother Obama,

You have no idea, really, of how profound this moment is for us. Us being the black people of the Southern United States. You think you know, because you are thoughtful, and you have studied our history. But seeing you deliver the torch so many others before you carried, year after year, decade after decade, century after century, only to be struck down before igniting the flame of justice and of law, is almost more than the heart can bear. And yet, this observation is not intended to burden you, for you are of a different time, and, indeed, because of all the relay runners before you, North America is a different place. It is really only to say: Well done. We knew, through all the generations, that you were with us, in us, the best of the spirit of Africa and of the Americas. Knowing this, that you would actually appear, someday, was part of our strength. Seeing you take your rightful place, based solely on your wisdom, stamina and character, is a balm for the weary warriors of hope, previously only sung about.

I would advise you to remember that you did not create the disaster that the world is experiencing, and you alone are not responsible for bringing the world back to balance. A primary responsibility that you do have, however, is to cultivate happiness in your own life. To make a schedule that permits sufficient time of rest and play with your gorgeous wife and lovely daughters. And so on. One gathers that your family is large. We are used to seeing men in the White House soon become juiceless and as white-haired as the building; we notice their wives and children looking strained and stressed. They soon have smiles so lacking in joy that they remind us of scissors. This is no way to lead. Nor does your family deserve this fate. One way of thinking about all this is: It is so bad now that there is no excuse not to relax. From your happy, relaxed state, you can model real success, which is all that so many people in the world really want. They may buy endless cars and houses and furs and gobble up all the attention and space they can manage, or barely manage, but this is because it is not yet clear to them that success is truly an inside job. That it is within the reach of almost everyone.

I would further advise you not to take on other people's enemies. Most damage that others do to us is out of fear, humiliation and pain. Those feelings occur in all of us, not just in those of us who profess a certain religious or racial devotion. We must learn actually not to have enemies, but only confused adversaries who are ourselves in disguise. It is understood by all that you are commander in chief of the United States and are sworn to protect our beloved country; this we understand, completely. However, as my mother used to say, quoting a Bible with which I often fought, "hate the sin, but love the sinner." There must be no more crushing of whole communities, no more torture, no more dehumanizing as a means of ruling a people's spirit. This has already happened to people of color, poor people, women, children. We see where this leads, where it has led.

A good model of how to "work with the enemy" internally is presented by the Dalai Lama, in his endless caretaking of his soul as he confronts the Chinese government that invaded Tibet. Because, finally, it is the soul that must be preserved, if one is to remain a credible leader. All else might be lost; but when the soul dies, the connection to earth, to peoples, to animals, to rivers, to mountain ranges, purple and majestic, also dies. And your smile, with which we watch you do gracious battle with unjust characterizations, distortions and lies, is that expression of healthy self-worth, spirit and soul, that, kept happy and free and relaxed, can find an answering smile in all of us, lighting our way, and brightening the world.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

In Peace and Joy,
Alice Walker

© 2008, Alice Walker

Sunday, November 9, 2008

my vision for a loving, peaceful world

I am grateful to be living in a world where...

... each individual is granted the same rights and treated with the same respect, regardless of his or her race or ethnicity, faith, age, size, gender, and sexual orientation.

... we all choose to act from a place of love, rather than a place of fear.

we refrain from judging each other for our actions, beliefs, looks, and preferences.

... we support and encourage each other in our quests to be the best we can possibly be and develop our full potential.

... we realize that self-love is the foundation for peace and global healing - that we have to learn to love ourselves in order to spread our love to those around us!

... ignorance is replaced with open-mindedness and willingness to listen to different points of view.

... we embrace and celebrate individuality and unique beauty, while simultaneously relishing in our shared similarities.

... we all show love and compassion not only for our fellow human beings, but for all living beings on our planet!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.

- Carol Burnett

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

a Chinese proverb

If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the
If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the
If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

I voted - did you?

Today is a BIG day. It feels pregnant with expectation and hope.

My husband Jim and I went out to vote together this morning. For me, it was the first time ever voting in a presidential election, since I became a citizen of the United States just over 2 years ago. I am proud and excited to actively participate in this day and thrilled to make my vote count! I hope you are making yours count, as well! Stand up for what you believe in!

Here's to the outcome of the election being for the highest good of our world! May the excitement of this day carry over into the year ahead and mark the beginning of a new era of peace and global healing!

Friday, October 31, 2008

a vision statement for attracting your ideal job

In previous posts, I have shared tips on how to create vision statements for health and for attracting your ideal partner. (You’ll find a post on the basics of writing a vision statement here.) In today’s post, I would like to provide you with suggestions for creating a vision statement for your ideal job. Whether you are looking to attract a new job into your life or improve your current work situation, creating a vision statement is the first step in steering you in the right direction! Once you have written your vision statement, read over it often, be open to signs showing up in your life, and pay attention to synchronicities (see glossary of terms in the sidebar). You just may be amazed at how perfectly and effortlessly things begin to fall into place and unfold for you!

Are you happy at your current job? Do you enjoy the work that you do? Better yet, do you feel passionate about your work? When you wake up in the morning, are you excited about the possibilities the new day may bring? Or do you dread going through the same old routine, facing a grumpy boss, listening to your co-worker’s gossip, and sitting at your desk in a cubicle all day long?

If you are unhappy with your current work situation and are open to change, I would like to invite you to ponder the following questions.

What are you passionate about in life? What gets you going? What does your ideal work situation look like? What does your ideal schedule look like? What kinds of people would you be surrounded by on a daily basis in your ideal work environment?

Are you a people-person, or someone who prefers working on their own and avoid dealing with other people? Does your job fit your personality?

I once met a woman whose sister worked as a mortician, and she told me it was the absolute dream job for her. She didn’t like listening to people and dealing with other people’s problems. She loved the leisurely pace and quietude of her work.

Personally, I always knew I wanted to be in a line of work that revolved around interacting with people. That’s why I considered going into psychology (before I discovered Chinese Medicine), and it is also why I so enjoyed waiting tables during my first few years of college. I thrive on the exchanges with people I come in contact with on a daily basis! However, everybody is different, and my point is that there is an ideal job out there for every single one of us!

Do you enjoy work that stimulates you intellectually, or do you prefer doing manual labor? Do you like a combination of the two? Are you someone who thrives in an environment that requires astute intuition, rather than relying heavily on the left side of your brain? Do you like to use your creative abilities?

Do you enjoy helping others? Are you a problem-solver? A practical thinker?

Do you work well in teams? Are you good at mediating and/or communicating? Do you enjoy making an argument for your case? Do you like to get to the bottom of things?

Have you always dreamed of being in business for yourself, or do you prefer to work for someone else? It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea to run their own business, and you might be perfectly happy working for someone else and receiving a steady paycheck at the end of each month. On the other hand, if you like taking responsibility and don’t shy away from a challenge, you might consider going into business for yourself.

The above questions should provide you with plenty of food for thought. There are many more questions you could ask yourself, and I am sure you will have come up with quite a few of your own by the time you have read to this point.

If you are already in a field you are passionate about and would like to attract a ‘better,’ more fulfilling or meaningful job – or a job, for that matter (this might be your first job out of college or after going back to school to learn a different trade), you have a head start! You can skip a bunch of the above questions and narrow down your focus to where and with whom you will be working on a daily basis, as well as who will be signing your paycheck at the end of each month. If you are considering changing careers or you are in high school or your first few years of college, this is a great time to do this exercise! If you have finished your studies, you may have a degree in hands and have no idea what to do with it and where to apply for work. Again, creating a vision statement and including all the elements that are important to you in your everyday work life is a great place to start!

Below are some suggestions of positive statements you might include in your vision. As with the other visions in previous posts, feel free to pick and choose any statements that are applicable to you, leave out any that don’t have value for you, and add plenty of your own!

Vision statement for attracting my ideal job

  • I wake up every morning excited to go to work!

  • I love my job and the people I am surrounded by at work on a daily basis.

  • I am passionate about the work I do and derive great fulfillment from it.

  • My work adds a sense of meaning and purpose to my life.

  • I am following my calling.

  • I am truly inspired by my work.

  • In my daily work environment, I am surrounded by people who are respectful, positive, and kind.

  • I am able to utilize my talents and abilities in my work.

  • People I work with respect me and recognize the value in what I contribute.

  • I am on great terms and get along beautifully with my boss/employees/co-workers/clients.

  • My employees respect me and are happy to work for and with me and give their best on a daily basis. In return, I reward them for their good work and dedication and show them my appreciation often.

  • My boss is generous and fun to work for and with. She/he recognizes the effort and dedication I put into my work and shows me how much she/he values and appreciates all that I do.

  • Everyone I come in contact with through my work is friendly and helpful, receptive to what I have to offer, and ready to help me with anything I may need from them.

  • My office is in walking/biking distance from my house/less than a 10-15 minute driving distance from my house/[insert your own].

  • I work in a comfortable setting with plenty of natural light and space.

  • The work I do provides a meaningful contribution to the world/my community.

  • My schedule is flexible and allows me to sleep in in the morning/leave early in the afternoon/have nights/weekends free/take time out for personal appointments/[name your own].

  • My job gives me the opportunity to travel/spend time abroad/discover other cultures and places.

  • Or: My job allows me to remain close to home at all times, so that I may be with and care for my family.

  • My job allows me to work from home X number of days per week/whenever I need to care for my child/sick or elderly family member.

  • My work provides me with continuous stimulation, and I thrive on the challenges I am presented with on a daily basis!

  • Or: I enjoy the calm and predictability of my work. I love knowing what to expect on any given day.

  • My employer offers me a great health care plan/stock options/retirement planning/company car/maternity or paternity leave/[fill in the blank with whatever is important to you].

  • My employer gives me X weeks paid vacation time per year.

  • I make plenty of money to support my ideal lifestyle. There is always more than enough to pay the bills and cover all expenses, and there is always surplus to indulge in the luxuries and little pleasures life has to offer (such as travel, dining out, entertainment, arts, etc.).

  • I trust the universe to guide me to the ideal position for me at the right time and in the right place.

  • I am now ready to let go of any old patterns that have kept me stuck in a less than fulfilling work environment. I am now open to working in a position that utilizes my talents and creative abilities. I invite my ideal job situation to now appear in my life.

...and so on. You get the picture! I’ll let you take it from here and put your own creativity to work. The possibilities are endless!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a change in perspective

Are you having a rough day today? Do you feel like whining and complaining about the state of affairs? Does it just seem a lot more challenging today than usual to replace any negative thoughts with positive ones? Is all you really want to do to crawl up in your room and hide from the world?

We all have days like this. It’s inevitable. But we have a choice in how to react and what to make of days like that. We can sulk and whine and complain and claim the world’s not fair. Or we can do something and be proactive!

There are things we can change by taking action. Some won’t be changed overnight, but we can take the first step today, right now! Other things can be remedied instantly. Others yet are not within our power to change. But what we can change is our perspective! We can decide to stop being resentful or angry or just plain negative about any given situation by changing the way we look at it! Sometimes all it takes is to stop feeding so much energy into what’s upsetting us. Stop focusing on it, and focus instead on other things in your life that you feel good about!

Now, here is my suggestion. Give yourself five minutes to sulk. Sit down and write out your woes. Or call a close friend and ask them if it would be okay for you to complain to them for five minutes. Five minutes. No more! Tell your friend they are to cut you off if you go on complaining beyond the pre-determined timeframe. Tell them you don’t need their sympathy and you don’t want them to feel bad for you. All you need is for them to listen to you and to hear you.

If you don’t have a friend available to do this exercise with, sit down and write in your journal. Or talk to your cat or your dog, or even a stuffed animal or a picture of someone you love. It could be your deceased mother, your brother who lives in another state, or your great-grandmother that you’ve never met. You can talk to whatever higher power you may believe in – God, the Universe, Spirit, your guardian angels, [fill in the blank].

Regardless of which route you choose, let it all out! Complain, whine and sulk all you want – for five minutes. Then let it go! Let it go, and move on with your day and your life. If the negative thoughts start to creep back up, tell them firmly and politely that they had their chance to be heard, their time is up, and you are now busy with other, more productive thoughts. Close the door on them and send them away. Then take a deep breath and get on with your life!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

a gratitude list

One of the best ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude is to frequently write lists of things/people/elements of your life that you are grateful for. I am planning on regularly sharing highlights from my own life to inspire you to notice and appreciate all the special little things in yours!

Here is a list (by no means conclusive!) of things that have brought me joy this weekend:
  • beautiful, warm, California weather at the end of October

  • rocking out to my favorite tunes on my iPod while cleaning up my kitchen

  • the old gentleman I pass almost every day on my run, who is always out working in his garage, smoking his pipe, and who greets me with a warm, big smile every time I pass him (today, I actually interrupted my run to chat with him for a minute, rather than just wave and shout a greeting in passing... it's good to take time to slow down in life every once in a while!)

  • playing with my friend's adorable little kittens last night and remembering the joy I experienced as a little girl when I got to hold a purring cat

  • discovering a great new sushi restaurant and savoring a lovely dinner with friends

  • all the inspiring people in my life

  • entertaining dinner guests with my husband

  • my wonderful friends and family

  • working in a field I am passionate about

  • all the incredible people I've met and continue to meet along my way

  • the few moments just before dinner guests arrive, when everything is clean and neat and delicious smells come wafting from the kitchen

  • the satisfaction I get from having cleaned everything up at the end of a dinner party and going to bed knowing I will wake up to a clean kitchen

  • you, for reading my blog and giving me a purpose for writing it!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

a vision statement for attracting your ideal partner

In my last post, I gave you a list of sample affirmations to include in your health vision. Today, I will offer you suggestions for a vision statement to attract your ideal partner into your life. You can also use this vision statement to improve the quality of a relationship you are currently in. If you are not quite sure where your current relationship is headed and have doubts about whether your partner is the right one for you, this vision will be very helpful, as well. Once you are clear on exactly what it is you want from a relationship and put your wishes out there to the universe, you can then let go of the need to rationally figure out what is best, and, instead, trust the universe to guide you in the right direction. You will either find that your current relationship will deepen and improve, or you will find other doors opening up for you and leading you in a different direction, laying the groundwork for a new and more fulfilling relationship.

Once you’ve created your vision statement, read over it daily and as often as possible. Then allow yourself to be open to signs that will point you in the right direction. You may turn on your car radio to hear a song playing that has particular relevance to you. You may run into an old acquaintance. A friend may invite you along to an outing on which you will meet someone of significance.

Signs may show up on license plates of cars stopped in front of you at the light, in TV shows or on billboard ads, in the form of books you stumble across by ‘coincidence,’ or in flyers that happen to catch your eye while you’re waiting for your drink at the coffee shop. There are countless ways in which the universe can communicate with us and grab our attention! You will be amazed at all the synchronicities that take place in your life if you just start to pay attention!

I think we’ve all experienced times when we have over-analyzed so-called signs. It is certainly possible to read more into them than there is to them. My advice is to maintain a relaxed attitude in the process, notice anything that shows up on your path, but don’t get overly attached. Most importantly, follow your gut instincts. Gut instincts make it really easy to determine if something is worth pursuing. If it gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, follow up on it! If it leaves you cold, then it is probably not of particular relevance to your life.

Again, take from the below affirmations those which resonate with you, leave out any statements that don’t feel important to you, and add anything else you can think of!

Vision for attracting your ideal partner

I am grateful for being in a relationship that is satisfying for both me and my partner on all levels: physcially, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually!

My partner...

(in no particular order of importance, though you may rank the importance in your own vision statement if you wish)

... is attentive to my needs and picks up on subtle clues.

... accepts me exactly as I am and supports me in accepting myself exactly as I am.

... loves me unconditionally; mind, body, and soul; and I love him/her unconditionally; mind, body, and soul.

... is physically attracted to me, and I am physically attracted to her/him.

... has a similar spiritual ideology to mine and shares my interests in personal/spiritual growth and development.

... enjoys spending time with my family, they with him/her, I with his/her family, and they with me.

... enjoys spending time with the same kinds of people I enjoy spending time with.

... enjoys the same kinds of movies and TV shows I enjoy.

... is financially secure and is able and willing to share her/his abundance with me.

... is ready to meet me and to commit to a loving and permanent relationship.

... lives within a […] mile radius of where I live or is willing to relocate.

... has time for us in his/her everyday life and enjoys spending his/her free time with me.

... has close friends outside of our relationship that she/he enjoys nourishing, growth-inspiring, quality interactions with, and encourages me to do the same.

... has the same wishes as I do for having children/creating a family/adopting/becoming a foster-parent.

... has values similar to mine when it comes to the education of children (if you’re planning to raise children with your partner).

... is loving, gentle, compassionate, and tender with me, (our children), and everyone she/he meets.

... pays attention to detail, is organized, clean, and neat, well-dressed and groomed.

... is honest, trustworthy, and courageous.

... sweeps me off my feet.

... has high personal integrity and fidelity to me at all times.

... is monogamous.

... honors and respects me, and lives his/her life in such a way that I want to honor and respect him/her.

... has a compatible secular education with mine.

... places similar value on academics, politics, social engagements, sports, exercise, health, nutrition, fine arts, (and/or anything else you can conceive of,) as I do.

... pays attention to her/his use of words and language and communicates in a kind and respectful manner.

... speaks [any languages that may be important to you, i.e. French, Russian, Farsi…].

... is generous with his/her money, time, and affection.

... has a close and fulfilling relationship with her/his family.

... is great with kids.

... makes me laugh.

... is handsome/beautiful and attractive, and will always be so in my eyes.

... is in excellent health; physically and emotionally.

... enjoys exercising together and spending time in nature together.

... is available, or willing to make him/herself available, promptly, to be in a relationship with me.

... enjoys the home we share and is dedicated to creating a living space we both feel warm, comfortable, and at home in.

... has friends and family who are respectful of our values, our lifestyle choices and our living space.

... encourages my vocational and spiritual work.

... has a delightful sense of humor.

... has a taste in music compatible with mine.

... enjoys going to concerts, theaters, or other performances with me.

... is proactive, talkative, outgoing, and open-minded.

... encourages me to live my life to its fullest and reach my greatest potential, all the while striving for the same in her/his own life.

... is orderly in his/her personal life with excellent personal hygiene.

... is totally free of any communicable and/or sexual diseases (or, at the very least, is open and honest about any diseases she/he has and is taking appropriate steps for treatment and self-care).

... has moved on emotionally and energetically from all prior romantic relationships.

... enjoys alcohol and other addictive substances only on occasion and in moderation (if at all), as her/his health and that of the people around her/him is of great importance to her/him.

... enjoys life and is passionate.

... accepts and supports my choices in life.

... values my opinion and consults me before making important decisions.

... has a healthy personal vision of him/herself, us as a couple, and his/her destiny with me.

... has a sense of charity, preservation and conservation.

... enjoys fostering our relationship on all levels; physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

... is able to satisfy me physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually; and I am equally able to satisfy her/him.

... has a sense of purpose in his/her life and is appreciated by those around him/her (including me).

... accepts my family and friends with a graceful attitude.

... her/his family accepts me graciously and supports our union.

... is willing to go out of his/her way to help others; with his/her family (including me), always being of primary importance.

... encourages me in the expression of my thoughts and emotions.

... listens to me with interest, focus, and attention.

... is available to me when I need her/him.

... returns my phone calls promptly.

... respects my time and meets me when he/she told me he/she would.

... is punctual and respects other people's time.

... is thoughtful and considerate.

... pleasantly surprises me with sweet, thoughtful gestures that come from the heart.

... likes to joke around, but knows when to be serious.

I think this should give you a good foundation to build on! Like I said, the more detail you can go into, in terms of values and the way you want to feel in your relationship, the better! Happy visualizing!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Do the gratitude dance!

I would like to share with you a great way to instantly release tension and reduce stress levels. It is such an easy way to get yourself out of a funk and feeling better in no time! This simple technique will have you laughing (if only at yourself) in a matter of moments and make you wonder what had gotten you so bent out of shape in the first place!

Do the gratitude dance with a friend, significant other, or family member to disperse tension and create a tighter bond by sharing laughter and goofiness. Do it when you first wake up, do it when you get home from work, do it on your lunch break. Do it with your kids. Do it especially when you're feeling tense, but also do it when you're feeling good to maintain the feeling of well-being! Do it when you're angry, frustrated, or resentful. It is impossible to maintain a negative attitude when you're doing the gratitude dance! Do the dance often, and start reaping the benefits in your happiness level!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

a vision for health

Now that you have gained a clear understanding of the basics of writing a vision statement, you can get started with creating your own! I suggest you begin with one area of your life. Choose the one you'd most like to see change in right now, and focus on that for a week or so. Then you can move on to expand your vision statement to different areas of your life.

Below, I will give you an example of a vision statement for health. In future posts, I will offer suggestions for creating vision statements for different areas of your life, i.e. work, relationships, etc. Feel free to use this template to modify and/or expand to suit your own situation and needs! Remember, these are just a few ideas. The different affirmations you can come up with are countless!

Health vision

  • All my symptoms have resolved!
  • I wake up every morning full of energy, vitality and enthusiasm to start my day!
  • My body supports me in all of my activities, and I, conversely, do my part to give my body the care, nourishment, and attention it requires to function optimally.
  • I choose to consume foods and beverages and take nutritional supplements that support my health and well-being and help me feel my best.
  • I generally feel calm and relaxed, while simultaneously feeling energized and enthusiastic.
  • I am able to identify any potential triggers (emotional or physiological) immediately and shift my attitude and/or actions to promote health and wellbeing.
  • My immunity is strong and remains so throughout periods of travel or increased intensity of any kind.
  • I remain healthy even when I am surrounded by other people who are not.
  • (If constipation is an issue) My elimination works like clockwork, and I have daily, complete, regular bowel movements at the beginning of each day. My body knows to let go of that which it doesn't need. As a result, I start every day feeling light and ready to take in the new in any way or form it may present itself to me.
  • (If loose stools and/or urgency are an issue) My body is able to properly assimilate and hold on to the nourishment it needs and let go of that which it doesn't need in an appropriate time and manner. My bowel movements are regular and predictable, and I feel at ease and completely in control in any situation I may find myself in.
  • I am able to properly digest, assimilate and eliminate any nourishment, experiences, and new ideas I take in.
  • I am surrounded by loving people who accompany and support me on my journey through ongoing health and happiness.
  • I attract people into my life who help me be and feel my best!
  • I honor my body’s needs and treat myself with the same love, respect, and care that I reserve for others.
  • Any pain I have been experiencing now completely dissolves.
  • My joints are mobile, and my muscles are strong.
  • I stand tall in this world, supported by my spine, and trusting that I am always supported by the universe.
  • I am flexible and free to move in any direction I choose.
  • I am ready to let go of any old beliefs and patterns that have been contributing to my symptoms and now no longer serve me.
  • I release any and all resentment, anger, fear, sadness, worry, anxiety, frustration, irritability, and/or other emotion that has been causing me pain or discomfort and now no longer serves me.
  • I love and accept myself exactly the way I am.
  • I am healthy, whole, and complete.
  • I now invite health and happiness into my life.
  • My hormones are in balance at all times, and my body knows exactly how much to produce and secrete of any given hormone at any given time to keep my body functioning optimally and keep me feeling at peace and balanced - always.
  • My nervous system functions optimally, responding to external stimuli only when it is in my best interest and doing so in a calm and balanced manner.
  • Stress bounces right off of me, and I maintain a sense of calm even when my surroundings are hectic.
  • My breathing is full, deep, peaceful, and calm.
  • I feel at peace in my body and in this world.

Wishing you health and happiness - always!

Monday, October 20, 2008

writing a vision statement - the basics

Today, I would like to offer you some tips on how to go about writing a vision statement.

You can write a vision statement for anything you'd like to create in your life - be it better health, a loving relationship, a rewarding job, or a new car, house, or apartment. You can put together a vision statement encompassing all areas of your life - health, relationships, finances, fitness, spirituality, and more. For now, I would recommend starting with one area of your life that you would really like to improve.

A vision statement is basically a compilation of positive affirmations. One crucial element to keep in mind is to keep all of your statements in the present tense. Our subconscious takes every word very literally, so, if you suggest to your subconscious that you want better health or will have better health in the future, it will always keep your goal just an arm length's out of your reach. It will create more of the wanting, or keep you stuck in a place where you've got the prospect of better health, but can never quite reach it.

Another consideration is to go into as much detail as you can possibly think of. Paint the picture, make it vivid, make it real. Now, there is one caveat when it comes to detail. While you want to be as specific as possible in describing your ideal circumstances, you want to avoid getting too hung up on details that may not necessarily be that important. For instance, if you are describing your ideal partner, and you write that he is 6 foot tall, with brown hair and a PhD in Physics... well, if that is really important to you, then, by all means, include it! However be aware that this is narrowing down your options and keep in mind that the universe knows best what's ideal for you. If you get into too much unnecessary detail, the universe may send you a mate that fits your description, but it may not be the ideal person for you in the grand scheme of things. So maybe, rather than detailing the specifics as above, you could affirm that you are grateful to the universe for guiding you to your ideal partner, who you are physically, spiritually, and emotionally attracted to and who shares your interests and passions in life. Get the point? It just might turn out that you fall head over heels for a blond man who's 5 foot 6 and holds a Master's degree in Fine Arts!

The point is to be open and receptive to inviting that into your life which will be ideal for you. And to bear in mind that, sometimes, you don't know yet what's ideal for you! Based on this premise, I like to add to all my affirmations the sentence, If it is for the higher good of everyone involved. I also know that, from my limited human perspective, I cannot see the greater picture at all times. So, if I intend to manifest something into my life and it doesn't happen on my own agenda, I acknowledge that the universe knows best when the timing is right, and I trust that the ideal circumstances will present themselves in their own divine right time.

Lastly, and based on the same premise that we do not always know what's best for us, I would like to issue a caveat for attracting new circumstances into our lives. If you are stuck in a job or a relationship that's not fulfilling, you may find yourself tempted to write a vision statement for a new job or relationship. At times, our home or work environment may be so toxic that we need to let go of it and move on to something else. However, I would like to suggest the possibility that existing situations can change dramatically once we start to release old patterns within ourselves. As we become clear about what it is that we want in our lives and work towards becoming more centered and at peace with ourselves, we'll often find that the people around us begin to change, as well. They become more responsive to our needs, they treat us with more respect, and, sometimes, they may just drop out of the picture without our doing anything to remove them from our lives.

For instance, picture Jane, who's working in an office with 5 co-workers, one of whom is driving her crazy with her constant bickering and nagging and complaining. That co-worker is the boss' sister-in-law, and so there is no way the boss would let her go, no matter how much trouble she may cause. Jane thinks her only way out of this situation is to find another job, even though she likes everything else about the work that she does. She loves the interactions with her clients, and she's rather fond of 2 of the other co-workers and enjoys her daily lunches and conversations with them. Now, as Jane begins to become clear about the work environment she wants to have and affirms on a daily basis that she is surrounded by respectful, friendly, and loving people at all times, a number of different scenarios might unfold.

A) Jane runs into an old acquaintance at lunch. As Jane tells her about the kind of work she does, her acquaintance exclaims that her company is looking for someone just like her and sets her up an interview for the following week. Jane gets the new job and leaves behind the old work environment and the toxic co-worker.

One caveat: if Jane doesn't consciously work at releasing any patterns within herself that have attracted the toxic co-worker in the first place, she will continue to attract the same kinds of people, no matter where she goes! If she holds a belief that she is a magnet for people who take advantage of her and treat her poorly, she will keep manifesting those people into her life!

B) As Jane starts to release her old patterns and beliefs and begins to practice more self-respect and to assert herself, the toxic co-worker starts to act differently in Jane's presence. Or else, she doesn't gravitate towards Jane's desk as much and, instead, finds another co-worker to bicker and complain to. If no one in the office will put up with her bickering, she will eventually stop altogether.

C) Jane arrives at the office one day to find out that the toxic co-worker is moving across the country and will no longer be a part of her daily environment.

Morale of the story: rather than asking for a specific outcome, ask for specific circumstances in your daily life (i.e. being surrounded by loving, respectful people, having a flexible schedule, earning a salary that allows you to do the things you wish to do, etc.).

In my next post, I will give you examples of vision statements that you can use as a template or starting point to create your own.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

the Law of Attraction

Based on the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives whatever it is that we focus on, be it positive or negative. If we keep thinking and talking about all the things we DON'T want in our lives... well, guess what, we are going to end up with just that set of circumstances! For instance, if Jane keeps affirming that she will NEVER marry a man who's like her father... chances are she'll end up with a guy just like him! If Joe has no idea what he wants to do with his life, and the only thing he is certain of is that he does NOT want to end up a stressed-out accountant like his dad... odds are quite high he'll find himself in exactly the same position and work environment as his father 10-20 years down the line, wondering just how he ended up there when it was the ONE thing he was sure he did not want!

Unless we consciously work at breaking away from old patterns, we will continue to gravitate towards what's familiar to us. If we do not resolve old issues we had with our parents or people we spent a lot of time around early on in our lives, we will attract more people into our lives that reflect these old relationships. This is because beliefs from our early developmental years are deeply rooted in our unconscious mind, and, unless we creatively use the power of our conscious minds to attract that which we truly want, our unconscious will automatically continue to re-create old patterns.

Now, in an ideal world, the beliefs planted in our unconscious in our early years would have been all loving, nourishing, and supportive. We would have been encouraged to love and accept ourselves unconditionally, just as we were, and fully develop our potential and our talents. The truth is, our parents did the best that they could. Even if they sometimes treated us less-than-ideally, or, in the worst-cased scenario, neglected and/or abused us, it was only because they did not know how to do it better, as they, too, hadn't received the love and support they so needed as children. There is no use in blaming our parents for sending us off into the world with a lacking belief system. Blame will not help us to advance or feel any better about ourselves. It will only help us get stuck in resentment and anger and foster a victim mentality. There is, however, something we can do! We can work on releasing old patterns and old hurt and replace them with new, positive beliefs that will help us draw more goodness into our lives!

Now, I am not saying that releasing these old patterns will be a piece of cake or that it will happen overnight (although it CAN, in some instances, when a person is truly ready!). It takes work and dedication, but, if you are committed, you can truly change your life! All that's required is willingness and a positive attitude, and you'll be well on your way to a more fulfilled, healthier and happier life!

Knowing what we do about the Law of Attraction, in order to attract the ideal circumstances into our lives, it behooves us to focus on and be very clear about what we want, rather than focusing on all the things we don't want. The clearer we can be about what it is that we want, the better our chances of attracting the ideal circumstances into our lives. One of the best ways to become clear about what you truly want is to write out a vision statement, describing in depth all the details of your ideal situation - be it a supportive work environment, a loving relationship, or a new house or apartment.

In my next post, I will give you tips and pointers on how to write a vision statement.

lift your mood with music

Music has a tremendous impact on our mood. Listening to a sad song can trigger the blues or bring up feelings of melancholy. Hearing an old favorite song from childhood can bring back memories you had long forgotten or stashed away in a remote corner of your mind. Some songs can make you angry. It may just be the frequency of the beat, or it may be the lyrics, or it could be that the song reminds you of a person who's treated you poorly in the past. At the same time, a happy song can pull you out of the slumps and turn your mood around!

Sometimes, we want to feel sadness or anger or melancholy. On a rainy day, there may be nothing more nourishing than putting on your favorite ballad and curling up with a hot cup of tea. Maybe you have a song that reminds you of your deceased mother or an old love. At times, it can be very healing to encourage the feelings of sadness. Listening to sad music over and over again, day after day, would only serve to keep us stuck in our grief, but, at times, we need to feel our sadness. Sadness is not a 'bad' thing. Sadness is just as valid an emotion as happiness, and, in order to have the complete human experience, it is important that we allow ourselves to feel and express the whole range of emotions.

Unfortunately, we too often repress our feelings, because we were taught as kids that it wasn't acceptable to let the world see how we really felt. Stop crying. Stop whining. Don't be so dramatic! Swallow your anger and move on. Big boys/girls don't cry. Get over it already! You are much too sensitive. ...and so on. Do any of these sound familiar?

Music is a wonderful way to help us release our emotions, rather than repressing them. If you are feeling angry with someone, there may be no better way of releasing that anger than blasting an angry song and singing along to it at the top of your lungs! Do it in your car with your windows rolled up, or put on your iPod and sing along as you vigorously scrub your bathtub or floors, or take your music outside with you on a run or a fast-paced walk.

One of my favorite sad albums is Tori Amos' Little Earthquakes. It brings back memories of the confusing days of adolescence, trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted from life, and it reminds me of a dear, dear friend who took his life at age 17. Tori Amos' music, for me, brings up feelings of deep melancholy and longing. There are days when it feels strangely good to listen to her music. A 'good kind of pain.' In a way, allowing these emotions makes me feel alive and deeply human.

When I was a teen, I listened to sad music a lot. I read sad poetry and listened to sad music. I felt overall very sad, and I sought out experiences that reinforced this feeling of sadness. As I have grown older, however, I've realized that life was too short to spend so much of my time being sad! Now, every once in a while, I will indulge in the sad, but oddly comforting state of mind Tori's music induces for me. And it is good. But, on a daily basis, I choose to expose myself to people, music, books, and experiences that boost my happiness level! I read books that uplift and inspire me, I gravitate towards people who are motivated, enthusiastic, and happy, and, more often than not, I play tunes that are upbeat and lift my spirits!

My favorite song these days is a song called I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. I've been lucky enough to wake up to this song playing on my radio alarm clock several times in the past couple of weeks, and, instead of pulling the covers over my head with a groan while hitting the snooze button, I woke up smiling and excited to start my day. For the rest of the day, I found myself in an exceptionally good mood! Now, whenever I need a little energy boost, I play Jason Mraz' song and sing along and snap my fingers along to it, and it inevitably makes me smile! Try it for yourself sometime, or pick a song that makes you happy, and listen to it whenever you start to feel overwhelmed, anxious, irritated, sad, or just plain tired!

Monday, October 13, 2008

About Me

I am a Licensed Acupuncturist in practice with three other Acupuncturists at Lokahi Acupuncture in San Jose, California. My work is immensely rewarding for me. Long before I knew what I wanted to do in my life, the one thing I knew for certain was that I wanted to work in close contact with people. I wanted to interact with people, and I wanted to touch people's lives in a way that would be helpful for them and improve their quality of life. There is nothing more fulfilling than a patient reporting the benefits of her or his treatment - be it the immediate reward of feeling less pain, feeling more rested, relaxed, or calm and at peace; the effects she or he felt throughout the week of experiencing less headaches, less wheezing or breathlessness, less PMS symptoms, less digestive distress, less back/ neck/ shoulder/ knee or elbow pain, more strength, more energy, better sleep, and overall improved well-being; or the more long-term effects of experiencing less allergy symptoms, getting sick less often, feeling less stressed and more at peace in his or her body and the world, her cycle becoming more regular, not wanting to kill her partner when she is pre-menstrual (the partners really appreciate this effect, too!), and, one of the most exciting of all, the long-awaited positive result of a pregnancy test!

I have had, and continue to have, the privilege of working with amazing individuals and share in on a variety of aspects of their lives. One of my favorite things about my work is that my patients allow me glimpses into their lives. They open up to me and share details with me that range from the most mundane to the most intimate. Whether they tell me about a stressful interaction with their boss or co-worker while I am rubbing out kinks in their neck before starting with the acupuncture treatment, or they tell me about a recent break-up, the loss of a loved one, the magical experience of the birth of their first child, or their innermost fears, which they hadn't dared share with anyone for worry of being thought less of, I feel blessed and honored to be allowed to glean a part of their experience on this Earth!

My own journey on this Earth began in Singapore in 1979, where I was born to a French mother and German father, both teachers, who, at the time, were working at the local German school for a couple of years. When I was two months old, my family returned to Germany and settled in the small town of Wangen im Allgaeu, where I grew up with my 3-year older sister, my 3-year-younger brother, and, later on, my 12-year-younger sister. I lived there until I finished the German equivalent of high school at 19 years old (high school in Germany went through grade 13 when I was growing up, and, at age 19, I was still one of the younger graduates, with many of my classmates already being 20). I had always itched to go beyond the confines of my small town, and so I had barely received my diploma when I found myself sitting on a plane headed for New York. I ended up staying in NY, where I got married and started a brand-new life. Two years later, my then-husband Jim and I moved from Poughkeepsie, NY to Santa Cruz, CA, where a chain of synchronicities led me to Five Branches Institute (now known as Five Branches University), the school at which I ended up completing my Masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Throughout my studies, I met many amazing individuals, made friendships for life, discovered the value and benefits of the ancient healing method of Traditional Chinese medicine both first- and secondhand - by experiencing relief from my own symptoms and witnessing the progress of countless patients, whose treatments I had the privilege of both observing and administering in the school's clinical setting -, and, last but not least, learned the beautiful, healing, and centering art of Qi Gong. Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese exercise form that combines breathing and movement with gentle stretching and guided visualization. Qi Gong has taught me many lessons - from becoming more centered and grounded within myself to moving more effortlessly with the flow of life. I quickly fell in love with this simultaneously calming and invigorating practice that taught me to be more at home in my body and this world, and I went on to become a teacher of Qi Gong myself. I wanted to share the powerful healing value I'd experienced for myself with others. Through the classes I taught, I met truly amazing people who touched my life in many ways. After several years of teaching, I decided to take a break, as my Acupuncture practice was becoming increasingly more busy and I’d enrolled in a two-year certification program in nutritional and vibrational healing that was demanding my time and attention. I am currently in the process of completing my second year at the Bioenergy Balancing Center in Palo Alto, where I also have the great honor of working as a co-practitioner with the founder, Priscilla Kapel – an incredible learning opportunity and deeply humbling experience.

Today, after many minor and a few major life changes, I live in San Jose with my partner, Carol. I love to travel, and I try, whenever possible, to build in trips to new destinations amidst my regular visits to Europe to see my family. Although most of my family live abroad, I am blessed to have a couple of family members nearby - my mom and little sister moved to the Bay Area from Germany within a month and a half of my own move to Santa Cruz from NY in the summer of 2000. Talk about synchronicity!


When I was 18 years old, I read a book that tremendously shaped my belief system and outlook on life. This book - an autobiography of a woman who'd manifested all sorts of incredible things and situations for herself! - was only the beginning of a long list of books, which taught me that attitude is everything in life and that we all have within us the power to create anything that our hearts desire. The book also taught me about the Law of Attraction - i.e. that we attract into our lives what we focus on, be it positive or negative.

Over the years, I have experienced a tremendous amount of amazing synchronicities. The synchronistic events in my life always increase when I consciously tune in to life and engage in activities that are centering, or I listen to speakers or read books that I find inspiring. There are times when I will slack off a bit in my own motivational practice (one may call it a spiritual practice -- for me, spirituality includes such down-to-earth activities as going for a walk and tuning in to nature, listening to the birds singing, noticing the brightness and vibrancy of a flower's color, or stopping to breathe in the fragrance of a rose). Whenever I start to 'slack off,' things begin to appear more dull around me. The world loses some of its vibrancy. But all it takes is for me to stop and listen to my inner voice, pick up a good book before bed, or re-connect with a friend over a cup of tea, a nice dinner, or a hike. And, very quickly, the world begins to lighten up again! Everything seems more alive and vibrant. The colors appear stronger and brighter, the fragrances more invigorating, and people around me seem friendlier.

My mission on this blog is to help inspire YOU the way many writers, musicians, artists, family members, and friends have inspired ME. To remind you that YOU have the power to make your life colorful and bright; to live a life full of joy, energy, and vitality! So, without further ado, I invite you along on this journey. I look forward to your feedback and comments and wish you much peace and love in your life.

(Updated May 29, 2011)


Hi, and welcome to my blog! I've created this blog with the intention of providing fun, upbeat, and insightful entries to help you take control of your own health and happiness.

Too many of us walk through our lives feeling ill-at-ease in our bodies and unhappy with our circumstances and ourselves. The good news is that we all possess the innate power to turn things around and create lasting change, fostering true happiness and well-being!

As I am walking my own path, exploring this power, striving continuously to improve my own life and that of the people around me, I would like to share with you some of the tools, books, music, tips, information, and resources that have propelled and inspired me on my journey.

I hope you'll find my entries of help!