Monday, August 24, 2009

visualization for health and happiness

I receive a number of inspirational quotes via email every day. I always look forward to my daily quotes. It’s like opening up a little surprise package every morning. What’s going to be in it today? Recently, an email included the following quote by Harry Emerson Fosdick, a Baptist minister who challenged fundamentalist Christian views in his preachings in New York City in the early 1900s:

Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind’s eye and you will be drawn toward it. Picture yourself vividly as winning, and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success. Great living starts with a picture, held in your imagination, of what you would like to do or be.

I am a HUGE believer in visualization! It is SO powerful! I always encourage my patients to visualize. Be it visualizing healing golden-white light infusing a problem area while they are laying on my treatment table resting with needles in, or visualizing a new job, life partner, perfect health, or whatever else it may be that their hearts desire.

I encourage you to take some time out EVERY DAY to visualize. It is SO instrumental in helping you achieve any desired outcome and manifest your dreams! Make it a formal commitment. Integrate visualizing into your daily routine like you do eating your meals and grooming yourself. It is just as important – if not more!

Drawing on the quote from above, I suggest that you choose a photograph of yourself that was taken in a moment when you were feeling extremely good. Find a picture in which you exude – no, downright OOZE! – happiness! A picture in which you GLOW. In which your EYES SPARKLE. It may be a picture of you with someone you love. With your grandchild or grandparent, or your favorite niece or nephew. Or a picture of you with your beloved pet. Or out in nature, on your favorite beach, or doing any activity that you love. When we are with people we love or doing things that we love, we feel good. And IT SHOWS!

It doesn’t have to be a recent picture. It just needs to be a picture that you can identify with, in which you see yourself as the person you really want to be. A picture, which, when you look at it, makes you think: Wow! What a beautiful and happy person this is! I WANT TO BE this person – ALL THE TIME!!

Now take this picture – blow it up if you like – and put it up in a place where you will see it every day – often! Stop and look at the picture as often as possible throughout the day. Look at the person in the picture and smile. Tell her how much you love her. How much you admire and respect him. Get into the feeling space you were in when this picture was taken. REALLY feel the way you felt in that moment! Then carry this feeling with you throughout the rest of your day. Let it INFUSE you. Soak it up. Let it become you. Marvel at the incredible potential you have within you and the beautiful person you are – within and without. You are a MIRACLE of life! You are BEAUTIFUL! Don’t ever let anyone have you believing otherwise – least of all yourself! Recognize the divinity within you and let it shine through your being. You are PERFECT!!

Now let this knowledge settle into your every cell. As you do, the energy of your each and every cell will begin to vibrate at a frequency that will translate into the most beautiful state of health and happiness you could possibly imagine.

Breathe it in… Make it real.
Be healthy.
Be happy. :)

1 comment:

XDPATHS said...

Love your inspiration!!! I just went hiking in the Rockies!!!