Thursday, September 10, 2009

change and uncertainty

Think back at a time in your life when you sensed great impending change. You didn’t know yet what shape or form this change would take or how it would come about. Maybe you were facing a move, considering a career change, leaving a relationship, or starting a family. Whatever it was, there was a sense of unknown. You knew something was about to change big time, but you did not yet know what exactly this change would look like and just how it would affect your life and your experience of yourself in this world. You found yourself in a period of transition – no longer fully grounded in the reality you had known, and not yet quite able to make out the details of the fuzzy future that lay ahead.

How did you feel at that time? Did you feel scared? Unsettled? Uncertain? Maybe anxious?

Now fast-forward past this transition period to a time when the change had fully taken effect. Maybe you’d found a new job, or the perfect apartment to move into, or you’d taken the leap and left a relationship that, for whatever reason, was not quite right for you anymore at that time. Or you were holding your newborn baby in your arms and feeling the most profound and incredible love you could ever imagine. I’d venture a guess that, from that point in time looking back, all the anxiety leading up to the change seemed completely unnecessary and a waste of your energy. Everything had fallen into place perfectly, and, from your new vantage point, you were hard-pressed to understand how you could have been so worried about something that, in the end, had worked out so smoothly and perfectly.

Now come back to the present moment. What changes are you facing at this time? What scary unknown lies ahead of you? Are you feeling overwhelmed at the thought of all the details you will need to work out in order to get to where you are going? Uncertain about just what to do and what steps to take next? Worried whether the ‘right’ job/apartment/partner etc. is out there for you and how to find it/him/her?

Think back again at the past challenge you just revisited. Take a moment to appreciate how, in looking back, you can see that everything fell perfectly into place for you. That everything lined up exactly the way that it needed to for you to meet the precise individuals and come across just the right bits of information that lead you to where you needed to be at the time.

If you could go back and give your past self in that period of transition some advice, what would it be? You might tell your past self to relinquish all worries. To trust that all would work out in your highest good. And that, although the future may have, at the time, felt foreign, scary, and unknown, it would soon feel familiar, comfortable, and ‘right.’

Here is an invitation to trust that the future will unfold exactly as it needs to. That you are always being led to people and places that further your growth and have at heart your highest good. Knowing this, you can relax into the present moment, trusting that it will carry you smoothly and seamlessly into a bright and wonderful future.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Angie - This is so true and can be very difficult to remember when "in the thick of uncertainly" - Thanks for the reminder