Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The first whiff of fall is in the air in these parts of California. As quickly as the last heat wave has faded out, the cool has moved in. I relished being able to wear a sweater today, and I enjoyed the nip in the air as I stepped into the cool of the night on my way home. Tonight is the first night in a very long time that I am closing my windows to go to sleep.

There is something special about this time of year… a nostalgia. It is a time of letting go. Of beginning to go inward… preparing for winter.

We have to accept that the long, light, and fun-filled days of summer are coming to and end and begin to transition into shorter, cooler days. The darkness sneaks up on us, and we discover with surprise just how early the sun suddenly sets. We turn around to find the moon has already risen.

Tonight, the moon is hiding behind the clouds. She likes to tease. Emerging briefly at times to wink at us, just to disappear again a few short moments later.

Fall is a time filled with memories. Both happy and sad. In Chinese Medicine, this season is associated with the Metal element, and the emotion corresponding to it is sadness, or grief. For many people, fall brings with it a sense of aching or longing. It may be specific, as in aching for an out-of-reach or deceased loved one, or more vague, as in feeling a tug or a wanting... a feeling of ‘pulling’ or contraction in the chest. A knowing that there’s something more that's just a little out of reach.

This is the time to go within and find what out what it is that we are longing for. Take time to meditate, go out for a walk, and marvel at the beauty of nature, leaves gently falling from the trees and dancing their way to the ground.

Spend some time on your own these next few weeks, and listen to your inner voice. What is it saying? Take time to connect with yourself and tune into what your heart is telling you. Notice any feelings that come up… and then just be with them. Do not judge them or think you ‘should not’ be feeling this thing or another. Allow yourself to mourn any people or circumstances from your past. But don’t hold on to the sadness! Feel it, be in it for a little while, and then release it! Honor the tears that may flow as your body’s way of releasing old emotions that you can now let go of.

Enjoy the beauty of this season and all that it brings with it!

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