Sunday, October 19, 2008

the Law of Attraction

Based on the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives whatever it is that we focus on, be it positive or negative. If we keep thinking and talking about all the things we DON'T want in our lives... well, guess what, we are going to end up with just that set of circumstances! For instance, if Jane keeps affirming that she will NEVER marry a man who's like her father... chances are she'll end up with a guy just like him! If Joe has no idea what he wants to do with his life, and the only thing he is certain of is that he does NOT want to end up a stressed-out accountant like his dad... odds are quite high he'll find himself in exactly the same position and work environment as his father 10-20 years down the line, wondering just how he ended up there when it was the ONE thing he was sure he did not want!

Unless we consciously work at breaking away from old patterns, we will continue to gravitate towards what's familiar to us. If we do not resolve old issues we had with our parents or people we spent a lot of time around early on in our lives, we will attract more people into our lives that reflect these old relationships. This is because beliefs from our early developmental years are deeply rooted in our unconscious mind, and, unless we creatively use the power of our conscious minds to attract that which we truly want, our unconscious will automatically continue to re-create old patterns.

Now, in an ideal world, the beliefs planted in our unconscious in our early years would have been all loving, nourishing, and supportive. We would have been encouraged to love and accept ourselves unconditionally, just as we were, and fully develop our potential and our talents. The truth is, our parents did the best that they could. Even if they sometimes treated us less-than-ideally, or, in the worst-cased scenario, neglected and/or abused us, it was only because they did not know how to do it better, as they, too, hadn't received the love and support they so needed as children. There is no use in blaming our parents for sending us off into the world with a lacking belief system. Blame will not help us to advance or feel any better about ourselves. It will only help us get stuck in resentment and anger and foster a victim mentality. There is, however, something we can do! We can work on releasing old patterns and old hurt and replace them with new, positive beliefs that will help us draw more goodness into our lives!

Now, I am not saying that releasing these old patterns will be a piece of cake or that it will happen overnight (although it CAN, in some instances, when a person is truly ready!). It takes work and dedication, but, if you are committed, you can truly change your life! All that's required is willingness and a positive attitude, and you'll be well on your way to a more fulfilled, healthier and happier life!

Knowing what we do about the Law of Attraction, in order to attract the ideal circumstances into our lives, it behooves us to focus on and be very clear about what we want, rather than focusing on all the things we don't want. The clearer we can be about what it is that we want, the better our chances of attracting the ideal circumstances into our lives. One of the best ways to become clear about what you truly want is to write out a vision statement, describing in depth all the details of your ideal situation - be it a supportive work environment, a loving relationship, or a new house or apartment.

In my next post, I will give you tips and pointers on how to write a vision statement.

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